Friends of the Library
If you are interested in supporting the many activities at the library and would like to help promote the library and its services, you are urged to join the Friends of the Clintonville Public Library.
The Friends sponsor activities, such as used book sales, various guest speakers, and more.
Used Book Sales occur two or three times a year. Check the Library’s website and event calendar, follow the Library on Facebook, or check local newspapers for information on the next Used Book Sale.
Donations to the Used Book Sales can be dropped off
at the library anytime during regular hours.
Dues to join the Friends of the Library are as follows:
Annual Dues:
- Individual: $5.00
- Family: $10.00
- Contributing: $25.00
- Sustaining: $100.00
Lifetime Membership: $1,000.00
For more information on how to become involved in the Friends of the Clintonville Public Library, please call (715)823-4563 or stop at the front desk in the library.